
Both for the total implementation, as well as for any specific phase of your wind energy project, you can rely on YCON’s expertise.

During each phase, YCON excels in consulting with all partners and guaranteeing the smooth coordination of your project.  

Study and Planning

  • Research into the development potential of a wind energy project on your property or estate
  • Prospecting potential project sites (visiting the site in conjunction with the analysis of relevant data from wind maps, regional plans, implementation plans, ...)
  • Evaluating the wind resources (modeling or wind measurement programs)
  • Project diagnosis: spatial analysis of the site, analysis of potential obstacles and risks (visiting the site in combination with GIS assessment)
  • Determining the most appropriate location for wind turbines, optimization of wind farm layout, selection of wind turbine type
  • Calculating the average annual energy production and the energy losses with the use of specific software
  • Environmental impact studies: impact of noise and cast shadow, visualization, emission relief
  • Financial feasibility: analysis and business modeling (Capex-Opex, IRR, DSCR)
  • Due diligence, second opinions, and contract review
  • Technical advice for project developers
  • Concept design of hybrid wind/diesel systems


  • Drafting of applications for construction and environmental permits, including location memos, MER screening, site plans and detail plans
  • Coordination of external studies (noise, safety, etc.)
  • Support procedures for connection to the power transmission grid
  • Consultation and coordination with the government authorities issuing the permits 


  • Tendering
  • Evaluating tenders and technical support in contract negotiations
  • Coordinating Engineering, Procurement and Construction Management Contracting (EPC-M), on-site supervision
  • Inspection and handover